Sunday, May 12, 2013

Good Morning :)

Hi Babe! 

                     You must be wondering... why did I created a blog when it's not our monthsary? and when there's even no special occasion? Well to tell you honestly, I created a blog cause I felt that somehow I have to make up for the "monthsary" letter thing that I have failed to finish. Back then, I was seriously distressed, not that I'm not still but at least now I have already cooled down a bit. I'm sorry, my emotions got the better out of me. You know, sometimes I can just seriously be so immature, especially when I'm mad and I just really want to apologize for having offended you so many times. I really apologize for being so impatient and childish at times. I know that I am also very moody and you often had to adjust so you can keep up with my mood swings. It entails a lot for someone to be so patient around me. I really commend you for being ever so patient and understanding. Your thoughtfulness is also what makes me love you even more :) 

                     I created this blog not only to apologize to you for my shortcomings but also to thank you for your unconditional love. Although the word unconditional is very subjective and debatable *cough hahahaha. Well, of course I won't debate about it. This blog won't make you go gaga with every statements typed out... cause all I want you to react is "ohhh or aww" hahaha :)))
                   We have been together for almost a year now. Remember? We became friends on February, closed on April, unofficially on September and officially on January hahahaha look at how far we've come. Through all the battles we've faced, we faced them all together. As another month is about to come, I just want you to know how much I appreciate your existence. You gave so much meaning into my life. You rescued me from a disaster *cough talking about my past failed relationship haha You gave me new hope such that I'll find good in things. but most especially, you gave me new love hahaha. Sounds corny but ish true >_< hahaha~ I just want you to know how much I love you babe. hahahaha even though when I'm mad, I always say that I want to stop loving you. but that is just because I'm overwhelmed by the pain that our relationship is bringing me. I just hope that we'll continue to love each other more, never stop caring for each other and will never get tired of loving one another. I want us to mature and grow together... I want us to live happily together but doing all these can't be done without sacrifices right? we may sometimes bicker about our differences but at the end of the day, we'll still embrace each other cause love will always be stronger than anger ;) hahahaha.

                   There may be times that you disappointed and failed me but there are more times that I felt proud of having you. Imagine? A pro inquisitor *COUGH a pro destroyer *cough hahaha. When people tell me how much of a pro you are... my eyes would just flick and I would always type out the words "OF COURSE" with matching "^_^" hahahaha~ There may be times that your own strength failed you and when your skills seem lost but believe me babe, if you would only put your heart and soul to what you are doing, you can achieve even greater than what you have now. I am so proud of you babe. Not only because you're a pro player but also because you're pro lover ;) HAHAHA. I love you so much babe and I'll keep loving you as long as I can. I may not promise to love you forever but I can assure you that I will love you with all that I can. So rest assured that no matter how many bichy guys would come near me, my heart will only and always be held captive by one Justin Jung hahaha :P

Happy 4th again~ I love you <3

Oh and Always remember that you will always have one special place inside my heart... you know why?

Cause you'll always be my baby ;) hahahahaha~ :*